Friday 23 May 2014

Long school break is around the corner

Assalamualaikum ,

Happy Friday, it English Speaking Day again.

This year we will having a long mid term break.. normally it school holiday for 2 weeks but this year school holiday will be for 2 1/2 weeks . School holiday will officially started next Wednesday but for us in Negeri Sembilan, holiday will be started on Tuesday as it is public holiday for Israj & Mikraj .

BUT for im and azri. today is last day school!!!!!

This Sunday SK KGV will be having Hari Kantin the school decided to gave all students and teachers one day off on Monday so it means today is our last day school..yea beda bedu.

But for abang zahin, he has to go to school on he has to wake up very early on monday ..go to school and sits for his last paper on so pity..

Currently we don't have any plan for school holiday...every weekend we have to go to kenduri, wedding invitation and what not . Ayah said maybe he will try to squeeze some time and we all will go to makjah hotel in Kuantan....our keropok stock in the house had been running out for so long so we have to buy a lot of keropok during our visit to Kuantan.

For the rest of the break, we will staying at home having good time ....mama is now busy with her "puasa ganti", she have 5 more days to ganti. We hope she can finish all the puasa debts during the break and can start baking something for us.

We miss her choc fudge brownies..since mama works on her own, she so busy until she have no time to bake any cakes or breads for mama please make us some cakes and breads during the holiday will you?

Staying at home will make us hungry all the time and mama have to cook more for us..hahhaha..we love you mama..hihihi.

We know mama will be very busy taking care of three of us and also three cats ...

Josh...our cat of the house..ayah said Josh is mama's blue eyes cat...she love josh more than the two other cats..Min and Citam.

Mama deny , mama told us that she love all the cats equally ...Min is not so friendly, Min will resist every time mama want to cuddle her..just like citam.

But Josh, he love being cuddles and he love to eat to...he ate around the clock..Josh is now bigger than Min. 

Josh..when we first met him.

That all for today.


-3 boys -

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